Saturday, February 22, 2020

So What Does This All Mean to me Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

So What Does This All Mean to me - Assignment Example We may vary from the way we speak and our beliefs but still each of us has a unique characteristics that makes us interesting from each other. The stereotype role I play on my daily activities and decision making is the role of choosing and ending with the right decision and how this decision will entirely affect me and the people that surrounds me. I chose my current current is because this is something that will help me finish my studies and change my life in the future. My future career will be stereotyped based on what I am sowing today and I planned to be successful in different ways. I have learned to be more decisive, picky, and use my common sense from the American popular culture. I have also learned that it is still my own decision if I will get affected by the culture presented and that all that is happening around me; absorption is based on personal assumptions. Through this, I came to the point of not being so stereotype and I should always find a reason to justify things before concluding something. I believe that I can only maintain the values I have learn by practicing it and applying it daily relative to my decisions and how I think over into something and for me; values are something that you can acquire but hard to leave out in someone is applying it all to himself. Implementation of the values learned is somewhat similar to applying it to everyday activities. What I have learned today, Ill make sure that I get to apply it and through the application I know it will help me to go to the right path in terms of getting good career and most likely into business. Galupo, S. (2004). U.S. Pop culture seen as plague; damage, influence may be exaggerated: The Washington Times. Retrieved from

Thursday, February 6, 2020


FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND RATIOS ANALYSIS - Assignment Example The two main financial statements (the Income Statement and Balance Sheet) are going to be analyzed in both cases together with some financial ratios. However, before embarking on the aforementioned task, each of these banking corporations is going to be considered individually in a bid to understand their backgrounds. This is going to be in the order in which they have been mentioned in the introduction part. Flagstar Bank is a banking institution known by the official name Flagstar Bank and Flagstar Bancorp Investment Company acts as its holding company. It is headquartered at Troy, Michigan at the address 5151 Corporate Drive. Its website address is and its investor relations phone number is (248) 312-2000 and in case an investor wants to send an e-mail there is a facility on the company’s website to do that( plus an in case of any suspicion in dealings with Flagstar e-mail The stock exchange trading symbol for this company is FBC at NYSE. The current share price is $0.79 and the company’s stock is under Financial Industries and further narrows down to the bank sector of NYSE. According to the 2009’s annual report, there are ten directors of which eight are outside directors and two are inside directors. Outside directors are considered independent when it comes to the company’s management decision making and therefore, mindful of the impact of the decisions’ impact on the shareholders. This is a branch bank and it operates around 175 banking centers. (, 2011) Universal banking refers to a case where banking firms have a network of branches, several firm claims, offers a variety of services as well as taking part in corporate governance upon firms which depend on banks for sourcing funds. Flagstar bank is not a universal bank according to the opinion of the study. (Calomiris, 1995 p1) On the other hand, the