Tuesday, December 3, 2019

RE If Atheists Ruled The World Essays - Irreligion, Secularism

This is a response to the video 'If Atheists ruled the world' at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qO9IPoAdct8&feature=relate It was one of the funniest, albeit most frustrating and most ignorant videos I have ever watched. Now to correct/explain the video. If anyone disagrees with me feel free to reply. Ok, the first guy talks about atheists blindly accepting evolution without questioning it. We are given evidence and explanation to how it happened and why it happened. Religion on the other hand has a book as evidence, and christians are told everything they know about creationism, without proper evidence or explanation and ignorantly agree. ?I know he did it? is the same attitude which he is arguing against. Flaaaaawed. The second guy sums it up in ?3 words?. ?Evolution is a lie?. Need I say more? Third guy doesn?t care that he doesn?t know anything about evolution. He just ?knows? that he?s correct. Again, another ignorant dumbass not bothering to check the facts, too scared to deal with reality and simply rejects what he doesn?t want to agree with. Back to the first guy, now talking about scientists ?making up? complex terminology for the pure function of making it harder for Christians to refute their claims. Now that is just stupid. Scientists deal with a lot more than just the theory of evolution and do not randomly make up words for the sake of arguing. When he?s talking about the acid, he is just being moronic. Of course if we had acid in our veins we would not survive, but how does that disprove the theory of evolution? It doesn?t. Guy number three now butts in saying that we evolved from monkeys. Check the facts, fool. Science doesn?t say that at all. That?s just a popular simplification from the people who have fewer brain cells than a pineapple. And as with the ?why aren?t babies born as monkeys? part, I have to slap my forehead. Again, read some actual information about evolution before you argue with such idiotic questions. Second guy again. If religion did not exist, of course there would still be war, just not as much. Religion has caused the most deaths in history. The Islam to this day are taught that people should be killed because they are of a different or of no religion. Christians are known for massacre on a huge scale during the Crusades. Killing people, burning people, nailing people to crosses, because they believe something else? Without hiding behind the cover of religion it would be considered insanity and murder in the highest degree. The guy on the video also says the world would be more violent without religion because they are afraid of God?s wrath. No. The majority of people nowadays obey laws of killing because they are either afraid of the punishment or consequence of their actions, or have morals. If the reason behind not killing people is solely because of God, he should be in a mental home. Does God change? Because from what I heard, God used to tell Christians to kill and conqu er in his name. Back to the guy who looks like a stupid version of Jesus; Darwin may have stated that his theory could be wrong. It could be. We don?t know everything about our history as a race, but there is much more evidence supporting evolutionism as opposed to creationism. Beanie guy again. God didn?t create oil deposits. God didn?t create anything. He doesn?t exist. BUT if he did, why would I want to belong to a religious group that follows a God that sends people to Hell for an eternity of torture and suffering just because solid evidence is more convincing than an old book and a bunch of folk tales? So don?t look all smug just yet, Mr. Beanie. To be honest, I laughed out loud at the pure stupidity of the Jesus-looking guy. Was he dropped as a child? Oh wait. He was thrown at a wall. No of course, Mr. Simpleton, monkeys don?t live millions of years. You must be right, god does exist. Does he have an IQ of 20 or something? The nerdy looking Christian now goes on to explain that Mouse DNA is more similar to humans than human DNA.

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