Saturday, January 4, 2020

What Is the Right Response to Terrorism Essay - 1810 Words

Terrorism response, like any issue concerning domestic politics and international affairs, can be faced analyzing either causes or effects. Terrorists are usually motivated by political beliefs. Even if terrorists can take advantage of other particular situations such as economic difficulties and religious beliefs, the main purposes are always political. That being said, the right response to terrorism is prevention. Solving the problem at the root cause is achievable through stable political regimes and open and functioning democracies. As long as terrorists do not need to resort to violence because they have other means to make their voices heard, they do not represent a threat anymore. Since this process might be quite long lasting, an†¦show more content†¦He proposes to legalize and regulate the use of torture to avoid any further abuse caused by uncontrolled actions. Stating that torture is allowed for the benefit of the whole population, in some extreme situations, it is much less hypocritical as well as successful to address such a big problem like terrorism. In contrast, first, torture would not improve the international threat of terrorism; second, the arguments proposed by A. Dershowitz appear biased by public opinion feelings. Right after the 9/11 attack, foreign and defensive policies of the United States of America and public opinion have become very aggressive, openly addressing and trying to wipe out any menace. People, reacting instinctively to impulses without even thinking about them, easily accept inhuman methods for particular cases. Torture acceptance stems from a feeling of revenge rather rational choices; as a result, emotionally decisions can never be considered the best way to face big problems. In addition, looking into history, even only overcoming the idea of torture took centuries. Democratic and civilized societies claim to have outdated primitive and natural instincts. The trend to reaffirm past customs endangers high values, achieved with difficulty and perseverance. For example, accepting to reintroduce past habits simply to fulfill certain goals, (counterterrorism in this case) also the death penalty could be put in use again. As explained in the introduction, the effects of terrorism canShow MoreRelatedWhat Is the Right Response to Terrorism?1685 Words   |  7 PagesTerrorism is an actual and relevant threat to national security that requires an incisive strategy to fight it. Along this paper, I demonstrate that torture is not the right solution to respond to terrorism, whereas surveillance might be a better and acceptable proposal. Several scholars and politicians have either widely sustained or contested both issues. In my opinion, torture does not ensure success in fighting terrorism while it inflicts unbearable sufferance. 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