Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Intelligence Balance For Healthy Lifestyle - 772 Words

Reflective Journey This essay helps to draw a map of emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence can be defined as the ability to monitor own and others peer’s emotions and helps to guide thinking and behaviour. It’s like an assessment tool. While doing this emotional intelligence assessment, I realised it can be vary after certain period of time as situation changes with a respect of time. But I believe it great experience to check own emotional test to know the intelligence balance for healthy lifestyle. As I start researching on this topic in depth, I released for any individual or organisational success, own self-evaluation is must. As it shows our negative and positive phases of personality and rethink to overcome or improve your skills. While doing this subject â€Å"Managing people in Organisation† and working on this assignment, I feel that I am evaluating my past, present and future to groom myself internally.(Jain and Sinha 2005) Definition â€Å"Emotional Intelligence† as an individual’s capacity to â€Å"perceive, understand, integrate and manage one s own and other people s feelings and emotions, and to act upon them in a reflective and rational manner†(Susan Chin Tee, Anantharaman et al. 2015). Personal/ work pressure and Satisfactions General Health In this exposition I need to consider on general wellbeing, for my case it s preventative. As EQ guide changes after certain duration of time. As I directed this test this month, so I can see the distinction. As myShow MoreRelatedBSHS465LeahPerryWk1AnalysisVidPaper1177 Words   |  5 Pageswith balance and care. Daniel Goleman, a psychologist and author, believes the four domains of emotional intelligence are self-awareness, self-management, empathy, and the combination of the above. When these four domains work congruently it stabilizes an individual in both work and home relationship (Goleman, 2013). A human service worker offers an effective service to the client when socially balanced and focused on developing healthy levels of emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is demonstratedRead MoreSuccess And Academic Success840 Words   |  4 Pagesstrive for a solidity as opportunities open for them. Everyone has their own perspective of what to prioritize to achieve personal growth such as a student. A successful student maintains a balance of thriving in their academics as well as living a healthy lifestyle physically, socially and mentally. A balance of these two concepts can help lead students into becoming a well-rounded individual as they continue their studies. 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